Start Using PATH | WD in Your Dealership

​Learn how to easily manage your dealership with our unified system.

Trade Jobs

Create Job

  • From your Dashboard, simply click “Create New Trade Job”.
  • Enter starting details, such as Job Name, Segment, Type, Vendor, etc.
  • Lookup the Main Customer which will link the customer to the job.
  • Enter Job Address.  This will also show all other Jobs at this address, so you can see if they are currently a customer or if another sales person is pursuing the same lead.

Job creation details are outlined such as date and time stamps, job name and location, who created the job, and milestones or phases which automatically move forward based on tasks completed.

Unique e-mail tags are also created to keep track of jobs from the system.

Create, Revise, & Send Quotes


  • Complete pricing, typically using manufacturer pricing.
  • Generate quotes.
  • Merge relevant files along with quote created. Note files are in PDF or DOCX format.
  • PATH | WD generates and sends a professional quote.
  • The outside salesperson automatically receives a notification to follow up.
  • During this “Lead” phase or milestone, we have the ability to revise quotes and send them out as needed.

These videos outline Quick Quote vs. a more detailed Full Quote that routes to E-Signature to obtain a signed contract.  More on E-Signature here.

Next, take a look at ordering.


Retail Jobs

Create Job

  • From your Dashboard, simply click “Create New Retail Job”.
  • Enter starting details, such as job name, segment, type, vendor, etc.
  • Enter in additional details including main contact, job site address which we can link as a billing address in the system.
  • We see this information displayed in PATH as a “Lead”.  This given milestone shows tasks we can take to move the job forward. 

Qualify & Set Up In Home Visit

In Home Visit


In these videos, we revisit the job details, milestones, and tasks.  Notice, there are options to mark job as lost (or put the job on hold), create a customer outreach, create a quote, or create a service. 

Create Professional Quick Quote & Email to Client


  • Generate quotes for our customer.
  • Use “Quick Quote” or “Full Quote” as needed.
  • Merge relevant files along with quote created. Note files are in PDF or DOCX format.
  • PATH | WD generates and sends a professional quote.
  • The outside salesperson automatically receives a notification to follow up.
  • During this “Lead” phase or milestone, we have the ability to revise quotes and send them out as needed.

Outreaches are used to record customer interactions. We also see how to convert a “Quick Quote” into a “Full Quote”.

Next, see  E-Signature  & ordering.


  • Return to quotes within your job and either select a Full Quote or convert Quick Quote to a Full Quote.
  •  PATH | WD will generate a professional quote with company logo and related terms.
  •  Automatically send a sign request to your customer who will be able to view and sign immediately.
  • Once your customer has signed, you will automatically get a notification and the job will move forward.
Next, see ordering and fulfillment/receiving. 


  • Job is won!
  • Prepare orders.
  • Add and adjust line items.
  • PATH | WD can parse data from Order Acknowledgements.
  • System will set fields.
  • Set up tasks related to Job.
  • Set up additional contacts, such as invoicing contacts and delivery contacts.
Next, see fulfillment/receiving. 

Fulfillment & Receiving

  • Quickly see which jobs are in the “Fulfillment” or “Receiving” stages.
  • Tasks, such as “Field Mulling”, are automatically available based on these stages.
  • From the job, PATH | WD gives you the ability to quickly view Purchase Order Information as well as ship dates from the manufacturer and other related info.
  • See which jobs are in “Receiving” or “Awaiting Receiving”, etc. to manage your warehouse and validate if items are fully received or delayed.
  • Note, the system allows you to upload applicable files, such as receiving paperwork, to keep all info on the job in the same place.


  • Directly from the dashboard, PATH | WD gives anyone the ability to collect details for a new service call.
  • Provide basic information, such as caller name, details, contact number, address, etc.
  • Notifications are automatically sent out to applicable staff to schedule and process services.

Stay tuned for more sections!